Understanding the Product Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of business, every product goes through a series of stages known as the Product Life Cycle (PLC). Understanding this cycle is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions regarding their products. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the Product Life Cycle, its stages, and strategies for each stage. What is the Product Life Cycle? The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is a concept that describes the stages a product goes through from its introduction to its decline in the market. These stages typically include Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEj8SyQiowgrnjGeozHG7h4xqTHK5WuWQrNZi7QvQBla5aSLe9sXqFN5MHHr1a3w6egHdlWqjtDn0s3PTNa0Cxjzk0RGESVBLVkVfdhfAjp4x9mX5CymtoroYLORMpxSgm7eoRbwkgxS-0VFUF4IVRuIVSAP_V1730jerbEPQPejF_MJxUuSLORKjmVjci8=w640-h376" title="PLC(Options after Decline)...