Evolving Marketing Orientations: From Product-Centric to Customer- Centric Strategies In the realm of marketing, businesses have long grappled with the question of how best to approach the market and satisfy consumer needs. Over time, various marketing orientations have emerged, each reflecting a different mindset and set of priorities. In this blog post, we explore the different marketing orientations, from traditional product and sales-centric approaches to the contemporary emphasis on customer-centric strategies, and discuss the importance of meeting customer needs and wants in driving business success. Product Orientation src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhyUu3bvViOp2hevFTnkNMvq-AgS61lkiGcElI8TyO_8PQ4ZlG9PjnAvOTxwpFv2EriXJw0I1zlVtpLXyqJdHvp-1rlf_ZJxs-IpzFjtTLSEj57JyJF0VbLl9paHqrL5eUBqkS2sMMpQSSqgbYvW217a4wdwJF-pt9z3TKTgtpkUYuU53GMKR2aJhJx8W0=w640-h438" title="Production Concept" width="640" /> Historically, many businesses o...